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Songs from the top of the wall:Prophecy

A Word in Season

I believe this to be such an important Word from God I am posting again.CHRISTIAN.Read this.There's a trick of Satan that many miss the subtlety of his deceit. This age that we live in has become Gross Darkness,yet many are trying in vain to right the wrongs. Mistakenly using their own power,words,influence,rhetoric they think they can win the battle by opposing the evil they see around them. But we wrestle not against flesh and blood, the battle is the Lords, this time is prophecied and is meant to be,even as bad as it seems we must remain Lambs of God. Filled with the Spirit of God full of mercy and grace!Yes Jesus is coming with a rod of iron, yes Jesus already is the Lamb of God and we are to be formed into the image of the Son. Now in this carnal existence and then in an immortal body. Man always wants to take charge ,the devil knows it. He knows it very well and is fooling many into thinking that by might they can overcome the darkness. Not by might not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. I believe this is the message to the church today. Pray.Walking the Spirit. Be led by the Spirit . read the Word. and stand. This is the hour for faith.




Mike Corry Faith is always the answer that supercedes carnal reasoning.Jesus said "Come unto me and I will give you rest." Only faith will get you there when all else fails you.







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A Word in Season

Hosea10:12 .Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

What is a Word in Season?

Proverbs 15:23"A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!" Isaiah 50:4"The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned"

A Word about This "Word in Season"Every so often the Lord gives me a revelation that's a Word for the Spiritual season we are in. Last night the scripture in Hosea 10:12 was quickened to me.I believe this is the Word God has for us at this time, and I will continue in this word until the fruit comes. Like a tiller of the land it takes time, so many do not know steadfastness and patience and how to walk in Faith ,believing.Because of impatience they lose out on blessings that could be theirs because they hear the Word but do not apply it and live it and eat it and drink it until it comes to the fullness. Be wise.Write in on the doorposts ,on the tassels ,..on your hand, at least on paper! so that you can reference it every time the devil comes to steal that seed.(by the way learn to do this with EVERY thing God gives you.)Maybe this scripture is only for me and my wife if so be happy for us when the blessings come,but if it also for you then you'll be standing with empty hands wishing you'd "done all "!!!If you accept this in faith and study and meditate and pray and seek God about it, it will bring you a blessing. Read what Charles Finney writes on this scripture. It's the foreshadow of revival!!, Keith Green I believe read this from Finney and came out of his room and said something to the effect " I've just been saved!!"this is the link to Finneys sermon's Also in this scripture there's a promise if you sow the seeds of righteousness in your "earthly ground" you'll reap mercy.And so many miss this, it says "sow to yourselves" and "break up (Your)"fallow ground" who does the breaking ? YOU!! Who does the sowing? YOU!So many have been taught everything has been done for them,but everything has been "PAID" for,.. you have do the doing!! We are saved "by Grace THROUGH faith", we have to go through,.. believing,... and THAT's faith( crucifying the old man because he does not get joy in the journey ), True the way has been paid for yes and amen!(there was NO WAY before Jesus paid by His Blood to be the Door)But we have to go through.This is why so much of the church is asleep!The Lord gave me a vision of the Church a few years ago that it was like the crippled man at the pool of bethseda waitng for the troubling of the waters. and Jesus said ARISE!! SO Church ,..Awake!Rival is upon us, the later days!, when does it say the latter days will come?Jerimiah 30:23-24 with the Whirlwind, what does God say out of the whirlwind? "Who is this that darkeneth counsel with words with out knowledge"?Job38:2 Do you feel the tempest, the whirlwind? The world spinning out of control?Have we ever needed God's Mercy more than now? Believe! And Be blessed!!

The musicians were always first in the battle. Why? Because the battle is The Lord's not ours! Still the musicians saw the battle with his eyes first and also the outcome. If those who are called to be the Lords ministers of today would increase their faith and see with their "eye being single" they of course would be like watchmen on the walls.That's what these songs are,seeing and reporting a event that may be present to me and future for you. Prophecy is a different thing.(though I wished all prophesied-Moses once said) And some songs are prophetic.Well If you're offended easily you're in the wrong place but we all need to have our toes stepped on from time to time and sometimes with more than a gentle reminder(anyone been purged recently?) If you're in a church that the preaching only satisfies your fleshly emotional human nature(which is called the old man) and you're not growing spiritually into the image of the Son and the new man is not being renewed by the washing of the water of the Word,run! That is not Love,,...... telling little Johnnie to keep playing in the street least we offend him makes for" johnnie cakes." The train is coming, the building 's on fire,duck! head's up,that pan is very hot, all good warnings worth heeding.Songs from the top of the wall.


revelations and prophecies in church?

‎"This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it."There is so much confusion and anxiety and fear in the church today.So much centering on trust and faith.These topics are sometimes taught but mostly neglected,as if we already had it so together in these areas.We all fight fear and anxiety in these troubled times and we need to run to the Rock that is higher.Sometimes this alone takes great faith,especially to remain there.Trusting in Him we claim,but do we really believe and allow God to work it out,or with hand to the plow do we so often,look back?I want to talk a

little about revelation and prophecy.Two pillars that the devil has successfully removed out of the church.I ask all christians this question,which part of your bible that we hold so dear was not revealed?Revelation! The Holy Spirit talking to us.Has God stopped talking to us? If that is true why did Jesus say we would know His voice? Believing that God does not reveal himself today as much as any time in history is a good deceipt of the devil.Have you been deceived? Prophecy another confusing topic,speak as the oracles of God .It is repeating exactly what God speaks,not adding or subtracting,then the saints should judge it.That's our duty,our

privledge,but closing the door is taking away our armament.Don't be deceived any longer by these lies of satan no matter where you attend.Have you ever said the scripture that is at the top of this writing?Have you sung a song with something like those words.If so you have had it revealed to you that it is to be believed and if you said it or sung it you have prohesied.Maybe you're using the gifts without realizing them?Remember Jesus said to Peter"Flesh and blood as not revealed this to you but my Father in heaven has revealed this" Your salvation began with revelation from

the Father as to who His son is!!If your salvation came any other way you are trying to get in another way,read and pray about that! The church needs to Fight the fight with the tools God has given us.Without a well advanced communication network the battle is in retreat.Onward Christian Soldiers


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