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Revelations First Steps

One day I was reading Ephesians and came upon verse 1:17 and the Lord
opened my eyes to so much that it will take more than just a few words to share.
This is one of those revelations that 28 years later  God is still revealing the
depths of His Word. The word in this verse   "revelation" became alive to me and
the Lord reminded me what Jesus had said to Peter when Peter first confessed
that Jesus was the Christ. Jesus said"flesh and blood did not reveal this to you
but my Father in heaven" So the beginning of our walk with the Lord our very act
of  "getting saved" began not by flesh and blood but by "revelation" by Our
Father.(read "Lights and Pefections' section for more indepth study) Begun in
the Spirit not in the reasoning of man so why do we return to our fleshly minds
to  reason the Word of God, having begun in the Spirit why go back to the flesh?
The things of the Spirit must be  spiritually descerned,revealed to us by the
Mind of the Spirit through revelation.I began to pray earnestly for the Spirit
of wisdom and revelation  and the Spirit of God began to reveal to me His Word
and reveal to me Jesus. Sometimes the revelations are so big they're like
looking into space on a crystal clear night you can see for millions of light
years!!. Sometimes the revelations take years(even 20 or more ) to fully
mature(and of course that's what I think is mature from my viewpoint The Word of
God is endless and forever)Remember the promises are yes and amen in Jesus
Christ.If this prayer was important enough for the Apostle Paul to say" I
continually pray this for you" and give refererence to the prayer in more than
one place in scripture.We should always Pray for a Spirit of wisdom and
revelation and believe the Lord gives good gifts to those who ask. And ask the
gift for others that they may come to the fullness of  understanding. They will
NOT find it(and neither will you or I) in books no matter how much you study and
read  it must be revealed and that by the Spirit of God!!You WILL find it in His
Word  but not through your fleshly reasoning so you should pray" reveal to me
your Spirit oh Lord in your Word,sirs we would SEE Jesus, take away my fleshly
reasoning, and bring your Word to Life not letter alive in  my spirit"" It's the
scripture that says the letter killeth but The Spirit bringeth life!!!The 
scripture also says that the Spirit will bring to rememberance all the Words of
the Lord, so you have to do the home work and put it in there, but many stop
right there but   THIS IS  the next step!!!( many think it's only the Spirit  or
it's only "The Word" but it's" lights AND perfections, wisdom AND understanding,
A spirit of wisdom AND revelation, it's the Spirit AND Truth!!!)And he will open
up His Word as never before to you,but you must believe and take faith.Comparing
spiritual with spiritual,God is a spirit and must be worshiped in Spirit and
truth!SO ,....Forsake your fleshly thoughts and bring every thought captive to
the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we have the Mind of Christ(the very mind that
created all of creation, and that the fullness of the Godhead resides,think on
those things!!)then receive and see if God doesn't pour out a blessing that you
can't contain. It's all paid by the precious blood of our Lord.Only believe and
keep praying and check yourself that your not getting into the wrong
things,(like spiritual pride,high mindedness, believing the letter of the law,
works,lusting after anything and putting them above God, even revelations!! )but
keeping yourself pure by the washing of the water of the  Word,our very
plumbline.Keep godly counsel and God will reveal His Word to you no matter how
educated you are, just get past that education and see with your eye being
single  and be led by the Spirit of God,die to self and be humble minded ,come
as a little child to the Kingdom,He will make your paths straight, and give to
you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your
understanding being enlightened.  Praise God.                                                                                                                             

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