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New Beginning

A little scared

I would venture to say that Music Ministry is one of the most important ministries in the church and one of the most misunderstood,abused and superspiritualised to the point of mysticism.Satan loves it when there is confusion in the churches. If he can't taint the preacher,he goes after his own family,then the lambs.Darkness his cloke, a fruit destroyer, he tears at the unity.In the pulpit in the pews in the worship in the hearts and minds he lays his deadly seeds that spread like cancer. A warning, as soon as God starts to move the devil is planning destruction. Watch! What does all this have to do with music? Satan has musical instruments in his very makeup and uses music to deceive and manipulate everyone. Since he is a angelic being his intelligence and knowledge is far superior to mortal man. But we have the Holy Spirit,IF you know that and IF you pray and seek for Him and IF you walk in faith and obedient to the Word of God. Only by being filled with the Spirit can we see and descern the tricks of the devil. Only if we know the difference between the Holy and the profane.This only comes from revelation and knowing and using the Word as a sword. Do not be fooled many are deceived,goosebumps,hugging and all into using the tools of darkness. Walk in the light as He is in the light.remember this,.. the musicians are first in the they see the enemy(or should see the enemy) Before the rest of the people. Their only covering is the Lord for protection. So it is a spiritual battle. Many christian musicians have no idea they are in a battle and that it is spiritual.This is why so many with good intentions find themselves derailed and even backslidden.Pride is the enemies favorite tool. Pride is worn by the devil as a banner.Pride the first sin and that in heaven and IN GOD'S PRESENCE!! I have been in praise and worship with the entire church worshipping God and I feel the battle and asked God "What is this?" and He said It's a battle against darkness" and I said then why does no one else here feel this? and He said"Because they are not aware there is a battle" Ignorance in this case would not be bliss.Spiritual pride is rarely spoken of anymore in the church. Musicians it will take you down. Pray that you are found worthy.Walk Holy. It is the only way into true worship,the rest will only be vanity no matter how many say it was God, or how you feel.Spirit and Truth are the true worshippers of God

Music Ministry

As a babe in Christ strange things happen sometimes and many begin to wonder am I really saved? or did I miss it somewhere?The devil spends a lot of time in this area and hammers on new christians( and even on some who been saved for awhile,remember satan is a lier and the father of lies ,..better not to pay any attention to him).After I'd been saved for awhile my dad asked me to come visit him in Santa Monica. I prayed about it , and was a little nervous that I was returning to Babylon and where I learned the art of sin. At this time I was getting 3 songs a day from God. As I arrived there I made my self comfortable and visited and ate and slept and the next morning was taking a shower in a shower that I had for all my life been in. Suddenly I realised I hadn't received any songs for two days, I fell to my knees thinking I had completely failed God and missed out on His will. And then God spoke to me and said "do you remember when you used to live in June Lake in the High Sierras and you would come down to LA through the Mojave desert and you'd be excited that you'd get inspired and write a lot of new songs??"(now I was thinking how does God know all this stuff that I thought in my head before I was saved? and then I thought He loves me that much that He knows everything. I had never told a living person what God just spoke to me ever!!)And then God said "you're tuned to a different station now!!" You can take that however you wish but christian songwritters make sure it's not the world giving you the songs, make sure it's the Spirit of God. I knew then and know now the difference between them. May this story inspire all to seek God in a greater way and pray for more and believe your Father in heaven gives good and perfect gifts to those who seek Him.But without faith it is impossible to please Him. Just believe!!

After I first got saved, I was watching a christian program on cable and
Keith Green was singing. He sounded good so I kept listening. He told a story of
not having written any songs in quite a while and was complaining about it
before God and God had told him to pray for one. Keith said he prayed and got a
song from God. This REALLY got my attention, because in the world you do
everything you can  to get new material, and as a believer I could pray for
one?? This was too cool!!! I started praying for songs and God showed me that
scripture in psalms that he would surround us with songs of deliverance. God
starting pouring songs on me, and I mean pouring. I'd wake up while in the
shower listening to some song and I'd wonder what that was and God would say
wake up I'm giving you a song. For a period of almost three years I got songs
everyday.Somedays 3 a day.Hard to believe,impossible for a songwriter to accept,
but happened. I also prayed that the songs would be what the Preacher was
preaching on that week, I'd get them thursday practice with choir Sat. sIng
Sunday and after awhile people started wondering if I was stealing the pastors
notes for his sermon.!! Nothing is impossible with God. Just believe. FInd the
scriptures and believe them! they are real,more real than anything created and
will outlast everything. The Word of God is eternal. Praise God for His mighty
promises that are  yes and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ.



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